
Showing posts from July, 2017

What's this all about???

You may be wondering, "Clean Water Raleigh? D oesn't Raleigh already HAVE clean water??"  Please allow me to explain... CLEAN WATER, by definition, must be free of toxicants, pollutants, or other contaminants which may cause health problems. FACT: Since 1956, the city of Raleigh has been adding fluoride to its municipal water supply. 1             FACT: Fluoride is classified as a neurotoxicant 2 significantly associated with a variety of serious health problems , including Alzheimer’s, arthritis, cancer, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, and thyroid disease. 3 FACT: The fluoride used by the city of Raleigh is NOT pharmaceutical grade; it is sourced from h ydrofluorosilicic acid (HFSA), which is a waste by-product of the aluminum and phosphate mining industries. 4  The HFSA slurry often contains arsenic , a known neurotoxin and carcinogen. 5 FACT: Fluoride, in the presence of chlorami...